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Arise and Shine, A New Day has Risen!


On April 21, 2022 I had a dream that was beautiful and exhilarating at the same time. As our church was preparing to have a visitor, who is a well known prophet to our nation. I went into a dream just two days before she came out to our Sunday service. In my dream we were preparing and all things were being put in place, however, the setting felt a bit like we were visiting another nation. Unfortunately, I was very distracted trying to find my way between villages and along the way I kept running into an older gentleman who passed me by and kept praying in tongues. He glared at me as if though he was trying to say something with his body language. He seemed to be interceding for my sake, as he saw the chaos taking my attention from the things that mattered most. I had allowed the demands of man to become a heavy yoke. I was told by the villagers that we all had to find the right clothing that was appropriate for the occasion. Running back home seemed right to find familiarity. So I arrived to my starting point, which appeared to be a smaller home.

Immediately, I began looking for my old suitcase, I even remember pulling out all the clothing and nothing seemed to be the right fit or style. All the clothes was either too small or inappropriate for a church venue. I felt a bit panicked when I heard someone say she’s here. I went outside the building and a car was parked outside. Someone called out, "hurry up and get in". I ran towards the car and opened the door, then jumped into the back seat. As I looked to the front seat I saw that it was the prophet and a friend. They began to drive off, very quickly as if though they had other plans, and were headed somewhere else in a hurry.

I was a bit concerned as I knew that the conference was about to begin, but they pulled into a drive through and parked the car and told me to look at the horizon, I looked at the ladies and both of them just sat staring out the front window, as if though they had become mesmerized. I then fixed my gaze upon what resembled a desert hillside, and began to witness the most beautiful sunrise. Everything about it felt warm and I could tangibly feel that the radiance of God was there. I realized that it wasn’t even morning, but evening and I knew we were beholding the dawn of a new day _Arising! Every anxious thought was taken captive and I then realized in my dream that there was no better place to be in that moment than to be swaddled by his comfort and love, as his light rays shone brightly over the new day. Then I awoke.

On Sunday April 24th, The prophetess did visit our church and ministered for two sessions. During worship I felt the Lord release fire into my heart, and it began to move it's way upward into the back of my eyes. It remained at my eye level and my hands also began to burn with a holy, consecration fire. I have burned with his fire before, but this was different as it was all concentrated upon the eyes of my heart, sight was being restored. After catching a glimpse of a beautiful painting displayed on the altar, I saw it had the word Arise written in plain red words, I went into a deep remembrance. I felt God doing a deep consecration of His church, as he burned through the chaff and illuminated hearts and eyes. Then restoring a new measure of holiness into the church, that will cause prophetic word to be exercised under ecstasies power. Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

After praying, the interpretation I received came of a viewpoint of the nations of the world, and the state of distraction as people seek to find their fill in the world, running to and fro, without taking their time or stopping often to take in the beauty of the Savior of our entire universe. I believe a new season of prophets are being raised who will not be afraid to stop everything in order to take a journey with Holy Spirit. The new wine skin will be administered and they will no longer need the clothing of the past, because the Lord will release his glory as their new garments. Where he will orchestrate a gathering at the feet of Jesus, just to watch him and marvel at his Glorious presence. A meeting place where no agendas are brought but simply a time to pause and gaze upon the lover of our hearts. The dawn of a new day, granting access into a rekindling of a first love encounter, drawing greater intimacy with Jesus. And as the light of Christ beams into our whole being, we will be transfigured into true worshipers, who worship in spirit and truth!

Psalms 24:3-4 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?

And who may stand in His holy place?

He who has clean hands and a pure heart,

Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood

And has not sworn deceitfully.

The whole world awaits the remnant of this nation to arise and began to shine, as the sons that they were called to be since the very beginning.


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